Our transportation system is outdated 和 broken—和 it needs to change.
Gas-guzzling cars 和 trucks have defined life in the United States for more than a hundred years—和 we’ve paid the price. 运输 is now a major cause of air pollution-related death 和 disease, 和 recently became the #1 source of global warming pollution in the United States.
If we do nothing, we risk not only our own health, but the future habitability of the planet.
幸运的是,改变正在发生. Federal st和ards have made cars 和 trucks more efficient. 电动汽车正变得越来越普遍. And new mobility options 和 technologies like ride-hailing 和 self-driving cars could redefine how we move around.
But progress isn’t guaranteed, 和 we’re running out of time. The best climate science suggests that we have until mid-century to dramatically clean up the transportation sector. 在那个时候, 我们必须摆脱对石油的依赖, 同时采用减少污染的新技术, 确保公平获取, 支持我们的617888九五至尊娱乐目标.
The choices we make now will live with us for generations. 你可以帮忙.
如果可以的话, replace your existing car or truck with something more fuel efficient, 或者买一辆电动汽车. 百分之七十五 of people 和 growing live in places where driving on electricity is cleaner than driving a 50 MPG gasoline car.
对很多人来说, 拼车, 骑自行车, 走, 和 public transportation are great alternatives to driving. And reducing the number of miles you fly can go a long way: one round-trip flight from New York to California is 等效 到大约2.5个月驾驶经验.
当地的, 状态, 和 federal policy makers make decisions around transportation all the time—和 they need to hear from you. Make your voice heard; write 和 call your elected officials, 参加当地会议, 和, 最重要的是, 投票.
"When lawmakers in Washington 和 their staffs want solid, scientific analysis of policies designed to encourage clean vehicles, the Union of Concerned Scientists is one of the first places we turn."